RIA’s 2023 – 2025 Strategic Plan at a Glance

The RIA has remained laser focused on following its strategic plan as the guiding document for the organization’s goals, value propositions, and setting the course for years to come. The RIA recently underwent a planning session to update the strategic plan for 2023 - 2025 to ensure the organization is on the right path forward for meeting the needs of its members and the restoration industry as a whole.
A Clear Purpose
With its vision to be the unified voice for the restoration professional, RIA’s mission remains to educate, advocate and elevate the restoration industry. The RIA plans to accomplish this mission within four strategic pillars that will guide and inform all of the association’s efforts.
Sustainable & Relevant
In an effort to ensure RIA’s sustainability and relevance, the association will grow its affinity partnership program to offer additional discounts to RIA members on products and services they use every day. The RIA will work to attract the next generation of restoration professionals by promoting how restorers make a difference in their communities every day and will clearly demonstrate how all employees within RIA member companies can benefit from RIA membership. The RIA will position itself as an industry thought leader and will also work to help restorers better understand the future of technology in the restoration industry including features and integrations available through various software platforms.
The RIA will remain steadfast in its advocacy work to serve as the unified voice of restoration professionals and address the most pressing issues restorers face every day. The RIA will maintain its current focus on advocacy related to third party administrators and consultants, pricing software platforms and legislative monitoring but will also expand into important new areas including issues related to 10 and 10 overhead and profit, facilitation of conversations with insurance carriers to improve conditions within the restoration ecosystem, securing a SIC code for restoration and hiring a lobbyist.
Membership Growth and Engagement
In order to continue to unify the industry and have a strong voice on behalf of all restorers, the RIA must continue to attract more members. The RIA will collaborate with various industry partners and vendors to communicate the importance of RIA membership. RIA staff and volunteers will participate in several industry tradeshows to spread the word and the association’s marketing team will employ enhanced social media strategies to connect with a wider audience of restorers.
Elevate the Industry
The RIA will continue to elevate the restoration industry by offering advanced designation training in fire, water, contents and environmental risk, along with releasing an updated Certified Restorer (CR) designation program. The RIA will continue its efforts to develop career pathways with the IICRC for restoration professionals. Additionally, the RIA will offer more online training, promote restoration career opportunities and expand its educational scholarship programs to support professional development for restorers.
The restoration industry is stronger together and these strategic pillars will ensure the RIA’s continued growth and success in unifying the industry and remaining the voice of all restoration professionals.